Amnesia the dark descent water monster
Amnesia the dark descent water monster

amnesia the dark descent water monster

The subversion comes when the player first encounters Agrippa, who seems to reply to speech from Daniel, but the player hears not a peep.

amnesia the dark descent water monster

Daniel's diary entries are all narrated and the player can occasionally hear him mumble and ramble to himself during gameplay. Ghost Memory: After touching the mystical orb, Daniel keeps unlocking memories that are completely alien to him, even from those who have lived and died long before he was born.Gadgeteer Genius: Daniel is quite gifted with repairing Alexander's machines and mechanisms, or when the situation calls for it, sabotaging them.Wanting to stop Alexander regardless, he drinks the amnesia mixture. Yet just knowing what he had done made him wish he had died or allowed the Shadow to take him, leaving him mentally incapable of carrying out his vengeance. Realizing that Alexander led him down this dark path filled him with murderous rage. Heel Realization: He finally acknowledged he was a monster after butchering a young girl (in his words, killing an innocent to save a murderer - himself - when once he would have killed a murderer to save an innocent), and it tore him up from inside.Evil Brit: See the Villain Protagonist entry.These dreams had enabled him to effortlessly repair the mystical relic, a feat - according to Agrippa - which no one else known has ever accomplished. Dreaming the Truth: After taking the broken orb back to England in tow, Daniel gets endless nightmares of a terrible voice beckoning him from beyond the void.While in London, the Shadow of the Orb chases him and gruesomely kills all those he comes into contact with. The Dog Bites Back: After being kicked around by Alexander he decides to atone for his crimes by "giving" the people he had murdered "that horrible man".Dismantled MacGuffin: After Daniel accidentally breaks an orb in Algeria due to his inexperience, the Shadow gives him nightmares that enable him to repair it regardless.Despair Event Horizon: He hit this around the same time he had his Heel Realization, and it was the reason why he drank the amnesia potion because he knew he didn't have the will to go through with his vengeance with the trauma and death wish of those memories weighing down on him.He's quite a naive and reckless young man, as stated by Alexander via his Memory Capsules, but is capable enough to last against Alexander and his minions. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Playing with.Highlighted in Daniel's last sentence during the hallucinatory flashback: "We should have more than enough prisoners to finish the ritual now." Also qualifies as a Kick the Dog moment for Daniel: he has reached the point where he does not care anymore whether his victims are criminals or innocent. Conditioned to Accept Horror: As a result of Alexander's training into the art of torture and ongoing psychological manipulation, Daniel ends up easily washing his hands — and what's more, preemptively — as he and Alexander abduct the Zimmermans, a family of farmers near Alstadt, allegedly to complete the banishing ritual for the Shadow.Audience Surrogate: As he has amnesia at the start of the game, and it's his purpose to both find out who he is and what is going on.And I Must Scream: His worst fear comes true in two of four possible endings: trapped in the darkness he fears most forever.Amnesiac Hero: The title of the game gives it away.Abusive Parents: The loading screens indicate he was raised by a particularly abusive father who would often kick him in the stomach.At the start of the game, he only remembers his name and where he is from (London, Mayfair). Descend into the darkness where Alexander waits and murder him."

Amnesia the dark descent water monster